Nurturing Christ's Church with the Truth of God's Word

The Shepherd's Staff

Telephone Booths and Typewriters, Slide Rules and Cassette Tapes

June 1st, 2016 by martinpuryear

Have you ever noticed how an older generation seems to get stuck in something of a “time rut”?  With hearts filled with nostalgia, they really do believe that those of a younger generation should appreciate – perhaps, even relive – the same things they enjoyed during their youth … 30 years ago.

For instance, my parents actually thought that my sister and I would be interested in listening to Glenn Miller’s “A String of Pearls” (released in 1941) while we were trying to listen to our new album, “Meet the Beatles” (released in 1964).

And before I left for college in the early 1970’s, my father tried to convince me that I was going to need his white dinner jacket to wear to all the “college dances.”  Was he serious? … as if I were going to wear a white dinner jacket to a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert!

Well, as to be expected, this same longing for “the good ‘ol days” has now spread from the generation of the Depression to the generation of the Baby Boom.  More and more, postings appear on Facebook that go something like this:

  • “If you know what this is, click ‘Like’ ” … followed by a picture of a telephone booth or an electric typewriter or a slide rule or a 331/3 vinyl album or an 8-track tape player or a cassette tape … all cutting-edge technology at the time.
  • “If you can remember doing this, click “Like” … followed by a description of what it was like to wait for the television tube to warm up before the picture gradually appeared … or to catch lightning bugs outside after dark until called in … or to wear a Davy Crockett coonskin cap.

But, of course, the only ones who appreciate the nostalgia of an era gone by are those of that same generation.  Younger people are just too busy creating their own future “yesteryears” to care about ours.

There is a lot of truth to the saying, “The only thing that is permanent is change.”  But there is at least one Exception to that rule; and His Name is El Olam, the everlasting, unchanging God … the One Who remains the same from one generation to the next.

Do we realize what this means?  It means that the One to Whom Old Testament Israel looked to meet their every need is the same One to Whom the New Testament Church can look to meet our every need.

  • It means that “the LORD” (Yahweh) – the self-existent Creator before Whom Moses stood – still knows exactly what we need … and what we do not need … to be His effective servants.
  • It means that “the LORD” (Yahweh) – the God Who is faithful to the Covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants – will faithfully keep every single promise He has ever made to us as well.
  • It means that “the LORD Who sanctifies you” (Yahweh Meqaddishkem) – the holy One of Israel – will set us apart from a sinful lifestyle to live righteously as well.
  • it means that “the LORD is my Banner” (Yahweh Nissi) – Israel’s Banner of Truth – is the One around Whom we also can rally to overcome our three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil.
  • It means that “the LORD (Who) provides” (Yahweh Yireh) – Abraham’s gracious Sustainer – will meet all our needs as well as we worship Him with hearts full of devotion.
  • It means that “the LORD of hosts” (Yahweh Sabaoth) – Israel’s watchful Defender – will dispatch His massive army of angelic-warriors to defend and minister to us as well.
  • It means that “the Lord” (Adonai) – Israel’s revered and loving Master – will seek our highest good as well, guiding us and sustaining us as we seek to do His will.
  • It means that “God” (Elohim) – the all-powerful One – will also answer all of our prayers that conform to His will … and will transform our lives into the likeness of Christ … and will fulfill every promise He has ever made to us.
  • It means that “God Almighty” (El Shaddai) – Abraham’s all-sufficient God – will also provide the nourishment we need to enable us to grow strong and fruitful.
  • It means that “the God who sees” (El Roi) – Israel’s all-knowing and ever-present Help – will provide us with strength and encouragement when we, too, are forsaken by others.
  • It means that “God Most High” (El Elyon) – Abraham’s supreme Sovereign – will also re-direct our hearts away from living for this world to focus on the eternal kingdom of the King of kings.

Yes, it is true:  all flesh, like grass, withers.  And like the flower, the glory of man fades.  Generations come and go, none of which being an exact duplicate of the others.  Kings and kingdoms rise and fall.  Even the present heavens and earth will one day give way to a new heaven and a new earth.  But there is at least one Exception to this rule of change.

His Name is El Olam.  He is the everlasting, unchanging God.

I, the LORD, do not change.  (Malachi 3:6)

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Click here to read the 1ST chapter of The God of Our Lives: YAHWEH, OUR GOD IS OUR CREATOR

To the readers within the believing community:  My wife and I would greatly appreciate your prayers, that we would respond to adversity with grace and righteousness.